
I’m Kevin, known online mostly by my alias Komma Chameleon. I am a millennial born and raised in the southeast United States. (I don’t always love it, but I don’t have any plans to leave, either.) My educational background is in computer science (Georgia Tech, 2012) but my interests also include foreign languages, history, nature, writing, and games of every sort. What I want to do is bring ideas from my head into reality, to make the world a better place than it was when I found it, and to help the good people of the world treat each other with a little bit more calm and kindness.

I am an asexual cisgender man (though somewhat of an androphile) and support all members of the LGBTQIA+ community. I wish to say in no uncertain terms that trans men are men, trans women are women, and Trans Rights Are Human Rights, and additionally that Black lives matter. I have also been a member of the furry fandom for the better part of two decades, and for all its ups and downs it has been a constant source of friendship, inspiration, and challenging ideas in my life. My fursona is an anthropomorphic chameleon who gives very good hugs.

I think something I value most is authenticity. I want to be mindful of my experiences in life, how my own acts and thoughts have shaped them, and the extent to which I allow myself to be shaped by them. I must be true to myself, truthful to others, and dishonest never. By being authentic, I can exercise kindness in everything I do, without getting stuck on some ulterior motivation. Along with this, I embrace creativity in artistic expression and problem solving. I process information critically and keep my mind open to other possibilities. While it can be exhausting, I love to learn, and I am eager to understand what new kinds of beauty exist in the world.

In terms of technical skills, my favorite programming languages are C#, TypeScript, and Python. The toolbox also includes JavaScript, C, C++, Java, Lua, and a touch of Rust, Kotlin, and Objective-C. (I prefer TypeScript over JavaScript and Kotlin over Java whenever possible.) I have worked on games in Godot, Unity, Cocos2D-X, and CreateJS, and deployed them to platforms including the iOS App Store and the mobile web, with game prototypes playable on all major desktop operating systems. I have some exposure to emscripten. Markdown is my preferred syntax for blogging and note-taking, typically alongside Joplin (my old fave) or Obsidian (my new fave), although I am comfortable with HTML, CSS, and JSON blobs as well. I am a confident writer and my peers have often complimented my project organization skills. Other people trust me for my technical advice.

It is no secret that [I am a fan of video games](Game Recommendations). I grew up playing the likes of Commander Keen and Lemmings alongside classic entries in the Nintendo catalog, and continue to keep up with the industry’s biggest surprises and independent hits. I also adore the design sense of modern board games like Root and Race for the Galaxy, and have a harmless obsession with reading through tabletop RPG books and daydreaming about all the possible adventures they promise. (Alas, few are able to slay that dread beast, Scheduling.) With the advent of streaming video, my interest in Japanese video games bloomed into an appreciation for all kinds of international media. I count The Diving Bell and the Butterfly and Portrait of a Lady on Fire among my favorite films alongside Princess Mononoke and just-plain-fun series like Death Note.